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June is National Safety Month, so we’re looking back and discussing what this means in a post-Covid world. Aspects of National Safety Month this year have gained additional relevance in the aftermath of the Covid-19 issue, and priorities have shifted as a result.

So, let’s take a look at some of our safety priorities, including safety in terms of mental, as well as physical, well-being and how workplaces can help with this.


In order to prevent theft and, in many cases, provide a far more simplified method of keeping track of all their products, a significant number of businesses across the UK are now starting to implement asset tags throughout their facilities.

Asset tags are a very popular for many top firms across the nation due to their dual functionality in preventing theft and facilitating inventory management. Many firms are finding that it is considerably simpler to dramatically lower the quantity of unaccounted for stock that they experience by using inventory-style asset tags.


Recycling is a crucial part of conserving resources and is one of the most significant things someone can do to help the environment. Furthermore, recycling minimises pollution from rubbish disposal, saves energy, and creates jobs.

There are more and more alternatives for recycled content materials on the market for eco-friendly labels. We will explain what recycling content is, the history and progression of recycling in the UK, as well as how you can improve your recycling situation with Label Source’s recycling signs and labels.


Thanks to the roll out of vaccines worldwide, Covid-19 is becoming less and less of a risk. However, that isn’t to say that we’re totally void of its danger. It’s still as important as ever to maintain good hygiene wherever we go, particularly in communal spaces like schools and workplaces.

It’s no longer expected that all businesses consider Covid-19 when carrying out their risk assessments, or that specific measures are in place to prevent transmissions. That being said, employers still have a responsibility to protect anyone who encounters the virus due to their work.


Safety signs and symbols help to identify numerous risks that may be present in a workplace. By providing the necessary knowledge and safety guidelines, they caution workers to always keep an eye out for those hazards.

Therefore, as an employee or employer, it’s crucial that you understand what these signs and symbols mean. 

Do you know your safety signs and labels? Let’s find out with our fun quiz!
