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There has been outrage in Bradford City Hall after recent visit from health and safety officials.

The bosses of City hall have advised that all contraband appliances will be confiscated, however, the office is refusing to hand over their cherished toaster after their bosses inform them that the toaster could potentially set off smoke alarms in the grade-I listed building essentially banning the workers from making toast in their office.

Even though this may seem absurd, it is important to take sensible fire safety measures in the work place. Banning toasters because they could set off smoke detectors may seem extreme, but if they smoke detectors are set off, a full building evacuation takes place, wasting your company’s time and more importantly, the fire services time.

It is important that you test your fire alarms regularly, and ensure that your employees are knowledgeable on the fire evacuation procedure. It is important that your office has fire exits and escape routes clearly labelled.

Click here to view our range of fire safety products.

The employees at the Bradford city are also banned from using fans, portable heaters, hairdryers and their personal rubbish bins are also being removed and replaced with a large recycling bin, because they fail to meet the local authority’s eco-friendly standard. Employees have instead been advised to dress appropriately for the time of year, with the aim of saving energy.

Here, at Label Source we strongly believe that companies should ensure that they have a clear environmental management system in place.  It is important that, as a company, you are making sure that you are recycling as much as you can, and only printing out emails and documents if it is necessary.

We stock a wide range of environmental signs and tapes, here at label source, including recycling signswaste segregation signsWRAP recycling signsContaminated Land SignsResource Conservation signs & Notices and more. Click here to view our full range.

If you have any questions regarding Label Sources products or require more information about our signs, tapes and labels, please  contact us by telephoning 0800 3761 693 or emailing a member of our customer service team at info@labelsource.co.uk