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Emergency glow sticks are very rarely top of an emergency survival kit, but if you ever find yourself in a disaster situation, they are incredibly useful tools. Glow sticks can tolerate extreme temperatures and unlike flashlights, they do not rely on an energy source.

As a source of reliable ambient light, there is no better. Here, we list why glow sticks are more than a party or festival staple.

Resilience and Longevity

The key selling point of emergency glow sticks is their longevity and resilience. As mentioned, glow sticks can work in extreme conditions including considerably high or low temperature and volatile weather. The reaction may be significantly slower in cold conditions and faster in warmer climates, but it’ll still work.

By contrast, while flashlights are useful, they sometimes suffer in extreme conditions due to their reliance on batteries, and their usefulness in certain weather conditions is limited.

Partnering this resilience are their long-life properties. Emergency glow sticks can last up to 12 hours, so when multiple sticks are used, their longevity  dwarfs other light sources such as controlled fires and flashlights. While most glow sticks cannot reach the high light levels of other light sources, they are simply unparalleled when it comes down to consistent, low-level light.

Consistent Light Output

The consistent light output of glow sticks is what makes them such a staple. The majority of glow sticks last for a long period of time, though, some can be designed to emit a large amount of light, but in a shorter timeframe.

The consistent light output makes them suitable in areas such as cellars, places underground, tunnels, castle dungeons and sewers.

The malleability and longevity of a glow stick’s light potential is thanks to the use of dye and chemicals, which relies solely on carbon dioxide. By relying on such a plentiful element, glow sticks guarantee consistency, something that other light sources cannot.

Waterproof, Non-Flammable and Easy to Use

Glow sticks are waterproof, non-flammable and easy to use, meaning they can be used in a number of emergency situations. If you’re in physical trouble, it doesn’t take too much exertion to use, which is why they’re a staple for those going on hikes, rock climbing and other activities that could leave them potentially hurt and stranded.

The waterproof nature of glow sticks allows them to be used in floods, too, plus their non-flammable nature means there is virtually no risk to using them in any situation.

Choice of Colours

Glow sticks have a range of colours that can function differently depending on the situation. Typically, the most popular colours are green and yellow, with orange coming in at a distant third. The reasons for the popularity of these colours are their strength, but other shades can function well in certain conditions.

Usually, though, you’ll want to opt for the green or yellow shades for optimum output.

A Long Shelf Life

Glow sticks can last up to 4 years in foil packaging and 1 year out of it, meaning they can stay in a survival bag for a significant amount of time. If glow sticks are preserved in colder conditions, too, they can last even longer.

The long shelf life is another string in the product’s dependable bow. As a long-term solution to night-time and disaster safety, there is simply nothing better than emergency glow sticks.

Are You Prepared?

If you haven’t got any emergency glow sticks in your home or first-aid kit, then consider the range from Label Source.

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