Many powered tools, equipment or machinery, used in the workplace, can cause injury from vibration, particularly if used for extended periods of time. These injuries can include hand and arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), vibration white finger (VWF) and whole body vibration excavators, dumpers, tractors etc.).
These are non-reversible injuries to blood vessels, muscles, nerves and joints in the hand and arm, and can result in pain and cold sensations, numbness, tingling and loss of sensation, loss of light touch, loss of grip strength or dexterity, blanching or whitening of fingers when exposed to cold, and bone cysts in fingers and wrists.

Sectors using such power tools are concentrated in construction, manufacturing, engineering, motor vehicle repair, mining and quarrying, agriculture, fisheries and in utilities. Hand held tools (such as grinders, hammer drills, needle guns or band saws), hand guided machinery (e.g. lawnmowers, chain saws, or compactors) or hand feeding to vibrating machinery (i.e. pedestal grinders) each provide vibration risks.
All such equipment should be risk assessed for the rate of vibration and safe period of use as outlined in the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 and the European Directive 2002/44/EC. Label Source provide a range of equipment labels, tags and signs for marking such powered tools, and for educating users on best practice to avoid vibration injuries. This can include the use of tensioners to support the weight of tools, provision of suitable personal protective equipment (PPE), instruction and training on correct tool use, as well as regular breaks from use and health screening.
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