For gamers there may be a mixture of excitement and trepidation when approaching an unmarked door at the end of an under-lit corridor. With all other routes of escape ruled out, the only option is to proceed towards the door. Scenarios flash quickly through the gamer’s mind. Will the door itself be booby-trapped? Are there alien lifeforms or mutants on the other side? Beyond the door could you be plunged into a vat of molten goo? The gamer’s hand is extended and clasps the door handle.

One of the key elements of computer games is to heighten tension, maintain mystique and provide scant information. Back on planet Earth, to offer good practice in the interests of personal welfare and safety, the very opposite should apply. Doorways should be marked clearly to advise of any risks or hazards, which may exist at or behind the doors.
This can comprise a variety of hazards including steps, stairs, uneven floors, sloping walkways, slippery or wet floor surfaces, low ceilings, other overhead obstacles, confined spaces, or other obstructions.
To make matters easier, Label Source supply ranges of health and safety signs to clearly identify and create awareness of such hazards, to prevent accidents or injury from slips, trips, falls or bashes. Other safety ranges for use on doors include access and escape signs.