If you thought asbestos was a thing of the past, think again. Before the turn of the millennium, asbestos was used in all types of building for its insulative and fireproof properties, and while we now know how harmful it can be to human health, asbestos is still commonly found in homes, offices, schools, hospitals, and other buildings.
Here are some sobering facts from the Health and Safety Executive:
- 20 tradespeople die every week as a result of previous exposure to asbestos
- 5,000 workers are killed by asbestos-related diseases every year - fewer people are killed in road accidents each year
- Asbestos can be responsible for many life-threatening lung problems, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis and pleural thickening
The HSE is currently running a #BewareAsbestos campaign to raise awareness of asbestos, the dangers associated with it, and the fact that it is still very common in the present day. Any building that was constructed before the year 2000 could potentially contain asbestos, and if it does, this poses a risk to everybody, especially any tradespeople (electricians, plumbers, contractors, etc.) who carry out work in the building.
Here at Label Source, we sell a wide range of asbestos warning signs that can be used to warn workers and the general public of asbestos problems on your premises. Here are some of the signs we can provide:

Click here to see the rest of Label Source's asbestos signs.