Security marking stencils are becoming a popular, cost-effective option to keep assets safe.
One major benefit of a stencil is that it acts as a permanent asset tag. While assets tags have their benefits – which we have already discussed in our blog ‘What Are Asset Tags and the Benefits of Asset Tracking?’ – having a permanent, more explicit option can sometimes work better.
Discover what security marking is and the benefits of marking with stencils below.
What is Security Marking?
Security marking refers to the practice of marking assets to deter theft. Marking stencils not only prevent thefts before they happen, but they also allow for stolen goods to be tracked and found more easily.
The police always recommend that assets, especially valuable assets, are security marked. Security markings can convey whatever information the inscriber wishes, but noting information down such as a postcode, security code or a barcode is recommended.
Security marking allows businesses to etch permanent information on their products. Mostly used for IT and electrical equipment, etching prevents them from being removed easily. Stencilled information can be scratched or gouged away, but this always causes marks on the asset. Manipulating the security stencil leaves behind clear signs to would-be buyers that the asset is stolen.
The Benefits of Security Marking Stencils
As mentioned, a major benefit of security marking stencils is their permanence. They provide a sense of safety for the most valuable assets a business owns – once it is marked, a business doesn’t need to worry about changing or updating the asset’s information.
There are a number of other benefits:
- Stencils are versatile and can be used on a range of asset materials such as plastic, metal and glass.
- Stencils are tamperproof and can be laminated to increase their resilience.
- Stencils are easily customisable, so businesses can decide exactly what type of information they want on them.
- Stencils use environmentally friendly compounds despite being permanent.
<h2>Get Your Security Marking Stencils Today</h2>
If you think you can benefit from permanent asset tags like stencils, then our range is for you.
Keep your assets safe with our security marking stencils today.