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Earlier this week, The Daily Express reported that West Midlands Police have paid out a staggering £589,000 in health and safety compensation over the past year.

This money was awarded to officers for such incidents as:

  • Slipping on a wet floor
  • Getting bitten by dogs
  • Falling off a chair
  • Tripping over in the dark

The Express article contains a short interview with Ray Egan, who used to be part of the force. Mr Egan is quick to blame Britain's "claim culture", adding:

"It's like a disease and people are jumping on the bandwagon. It's embarrassing."

But while there can be no doubt that £589,000 is a ludicrous sum of money, we at Label Source are a little worried by Mr Egan's eagerness to blame the claimants. The "claim culture" to which he alludes is very real, but the backlash against this culture - neatly exemplified by that Express article - is equally real, and it could cause big problems if it goes unchecked.


We'll use the 'wet floor' claim as an example. If a floor is wet enough to cause slips, it is the EMPLOYER'S responsibility to place wet floor signs around the area in question. If the West Midlands force failed to fulfil this basic safety measure, then the officer who slipped is entitled to compensation - and why shouldn't he claim it?

It's also worth noting that the reported figure (£589k) does include legal costs. The actual amount given to officers was £328,100; this is hardly any more encouraging, but it's important not to exaggerate when it comes to stories like this.

We see a lot of 'health and safety gone mad' news stories every week, but while silly things do occasionally happen (see this story - also from the Express, as it happens - about a suspected burglar in a tree), we shouldn't be turning the British public against H&S as a practice. Likewise, we ought not to blame the victims for the mistakes of their employers; companies MUST adhere to health and safety guidelines or suffer the same consequence as the West Midlands Police.

For organisations of all sizes, there can be a range of site security issues, requiring you to prevent unauthorised entry to your site or premises. This can be to deter loss or damage to company property, or to look after the health, safety and welfare of staff, contractors, visitors or the general public. This refers not only to buildings, but also construction sites, temporary outdoor events, car parks, vacant property and grounds.

Label Source has a range of security signs, which comply with the latest health and safety legislation, fulfil your obligations under the Data Protection Act to safeguard the rights of the individual, and assist in meeting insurance policy requirements. Also, we have produced many more signs to meet our customers' pecific requirements.

Common signs cover such things as CCTV surveillance and recording, use of security guards and patrol dogs, and use of physical security measures such as the use of razor or barbed wire, wall spikes, electric fencing or anti-vandal paint.

Therefore, if you believe that you may be susceptible to vandalism, tampering, arson, theft, fly tipping or any other malicious damage, our signs can clearly identify your security measures on your property to act as a deterrent to illegal entry.

Click here to see our collection of site security signs.

If you need to cordon off areas, for safety or operational purposes, Label Source has an extensive range of non adhesive barrier tapes to do the job, and to ensure the safety of your workforce, contractors and the general public.

These high visibility tapes have printed messages, repeated along the length, and can be used to identify hazards or dangers during maintenance, servicing, works or construction. Including in the range are options for risks from electricity, use of chemicals, asbestos, and radiation, together with the need to use personal protective equipment.

For details of the range, click here.

Mandatory Safety Signs in the Workplace


The Safety Signs and Signals Regulations act of 1966 states that there are specific mandatory signs required in the workplace, depending on the equipment and health and safety risks present in your workplace. Label Source has an extremely sophisticated range of Mandatory Safety Signs on offer. All of our prohibition mandatory health and safety signs for the workplace are produced to UK, EU and international standards ISO EN 7010.

Wash Your Hands Symbol Safety Sign

Wash your Hands Symbol Safety Sign 

Our range of mandatory signs for the workplace aim to dictate actions to be taken or appropriate behaviour to be executed in the face of any health and safety risks in the workplace. Our signs will increase health and safety risk prevention and are consequently extremely important to consider - as well as being mandatory, of course. 

Place all rubbish in bins provided

Place all Rubbish in Bins Provided Symbol and Text Sign 

All our mandatory health and safety signs consist of a blue circle with a white pictogram and text panels of white text on a blue background which is clear enough to be seen in the workplace. The categories for our mandatory signs include the use of equipment including general mandatory safety signs, personal protective equipment (PPE), utilities service mandatory safety notices, manual handling mandatory signs and warning labels, fire action and kitchen safety

Displaying the correct mandatory safety signs in the workplace not only displays your commitment to the health and safety of your staff, customers and the general public, but also ensures that anyone who enters your premises is fully aware of the health and safety standards expected in your workplace. To ensure that your business complies with the correct work and safety-related legislations then get your mandatory safety signs from Label Source today!

You may have seen Label Source on Twitter or stumbled across our website on Google and thought that our services were fantastic, but perhaps you didn't require them. Though we offer an enormous variety of very career-specific labels and safety signs (our range of Hazardous Substances and Chemicals Signs for example), we also have an expansive and even customisable range of general safety signs and labels, which, believe it or not - every workplace needs!

Many people won't even be aware that many of the signs we offer at Label Source are actually standard safety signs that you will see every day be it in your workplace, at a local restaurant or even when out shopping. Indeed, not having the correct safety signs in any building or workplace is actually illegal! Safety signs are not only a necessity, but they show your dedication to safety and are also informative for your customers, staff, co-workers and of course the general public. Here are our top 5 safety signs that every workplace needs.

1. Health and Safety at Work Act 1975 Sign 

Not only is it a practical and legal requirement of any workplace to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, but this sign will practically remind your colleagues and staff to comply with the act and will assure any visitors that you comply with the health and safety act. 

2. Now Wash Your Hands Safety Sign

A practical and friendly reminder to all colleagues to maintain desireable hygiene standards. It is also a way of preventing germs from spreading and is in the general best interest of all individuals on the premises of the building. 

3. Place All Rubbish in the Bins Provided 

This sign is for general cleanliness and to keep your workplace in sanitary conditions. It also informs visitors, clients or the general public of the cleanliness standards your business and workers expect and respect. 

4. No Smoking 

Smoking indoors is illegal as of 2007, and consequently it is against the law for anyone to smoke in your workplace. This sign is a stern reminder to all staff, customers and the general public that smoking will not be permitted within your premises.  

5. In the Event of Fire Do Not Use Lift 

Each and every company will have their own specific fire safety rules and regulations, but one that is standard for any building is that use of the lift in the event of a fire is strictly prohibited. This sign is important to avoid any potentially extremely dangerous situations in the event of a fire.